Awesome Cursor Rules

Awesome CursorRules Awesome

Awesome CursorRules

A curated list of awesome .cursorrules files for enhancing your Cursor AI experience.

Cursor AI is an AI-powered code editor. .cursorrules files define custom rules for Cursor AI to follow when generating code, allowing you to tailor its behavior to your specific needs and preferences.

Why .cursorrules?

.cursorrules is a powerful feature in Cursor AI that allows developers to define project-specific instructions for the AI. Here’s why you might want to use it:

  1. Customized AI Behavior: .cursorrules files help tailor the AI’s responses to your project’s specific needs, ensuring more relevant and accurate code suggestions.

  2. Consistency: By defining coding standards and best practices in your .cursorrules file, you can ensure that the AI generates code that aligns with your project’s style guidelines.

  3. Context Awareness: You can provide the AI with important context about your project, such as commonly used methods, architectural decisions, or specific libraries, leading to more informed code generation.

  4. Improved Productivity: With well-defined rules, the AI can generate code that requires less manual editing, speeding up your development process.

  5. Team Alignment: For team projects, a shared .cursorrules file ensures that all team members receive consistent AI assistance, promoting cohesion in coding practices.

  6. Project-Specific Knowledge: You can include information about your project’s structure, dependencies, or unique requirements, helping the AI to provide more accurate and relevant suggestions.

By creating a .cursorrules file in your project’s root directory, you can leverage these benefits and enhance your coding experience with Cursor AI.



Frontend Frameworks and Libraries

Backend and Full-Stack

Mobile Development

CSS and Styling

State Management

Database and API


Build Tools and Development




How to Use

Method One

  1. Install Cursor AI if you haven’t already.
  2. Browse the rules above to find a .cursorrules file that suits your needs.
  3. Copy the chosen .cursorrules file to your project’s root directory.
  4. Customize the rules as needed for your specific project requirements.

Method Two

  1. Install Cursor AI if you haven’t already.
  2. Install vscode-cursor-rules extension.
  3. Open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P) and type Cursor Rules: Add .cursorrules.
  4. Select and download the .cursorrules file that suits your needs.
  5. Customize the rules as needed for your specific project requirements.


Contributions are welcome! If you have a great .cursorrules file to share:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new folder in the rules directory. The folder name should follow this pattern: technology-focus-cursorrules-prompt-file For example: react-typescript-cursorrules-prompt-file
  3. Add your .cursorrules file to the new folder.
  4. Optionally, include a in the folder to provide credit and a brief description.
  5. Update the main file, adding your contribution to the appropriate category.
  6. Ensure your contribution follows the guidelines in the .cursorrules file at the root of this repository.
  7. Submit a pull request.

Please ensure your contribution is original or properly credited if based on existing work. Refer to the .cursorrules file in the root of this repository for detailed guidelines on formatting, naming conventions, and best practices for contributions.
